Connectivity & Data

Transform data with the most sophisticated in financial intelligence

When financial data is combined with operational data, your management reaches another level.

Facilitate governance at all levels

Identify issues through graphs, tables, and widgets.

Gather information and translate it into analyses.

Visualize points of evolution and points of alert.

Analise os dados de toda a área financeira de uma só vez.

Conselheiro Fiscal - Conselho

You don't need to organize yourself to implement Accountfy. On the contrary, it is Accountfy that helps you to structure yourself and to prioritize areas for improvement.

Data Builder

The best of financial intelligence technology to optimize Data Transformer.

Automation of routines to transform raw data into informative data.

Enrichment and extraction of data from different sources, without losing consistency.

Intuitive interface and easy parameter editing.

Incorporation of business rules into workflows.

And more: creating and editing transformation workflows and workflow steps, testing workflow steps, monitoring workflow, custom transformation, editing no-code parameters, and creating databases.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Connectivity & Data solution?
A solution optimized for data transformation (data builder), application program interface (API), extractor, ERP Plugins, OCR technology for financial institutions (for financial institutions) and account outputs.
What products make up the Connectivity & Data solution?
Each product has a set of modules with a series of functionalities. The Data Builder product, which is part of the Connectivity & Data solution, has the following modules: workflows, import processes and database.
How to hire the Connectivity & Data solution?
Contact one of our experts via WhatsApp for more information about prices and benefits. You can also request a 100% free demonstration to see in practice how our solution works.

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