You don’t need to organize yourself to implement Accountfy. On the contrary, it is Accountfy that helps you to structure yourself and prioritize areas for improvement

Ícone check fundo roxo claro
Ícone check fundo roxo claro
Ícone check fundo roxo claro
Ícone check fundo roxo claro
Ícone check fundo roxo claro
Ícone check fundo roxo claro

Count on more financial intelligence in your daily life

We help you achieve success with governance, agility, security, and consistency.

Automate data consolidation and centralize financial information, freeing your team to focus on analysis and insights, aiming for more strategic decisions.

Automate manual processes, integrate your financial systems, and replace spreadsheets with dynamic and real-time updated reports, ensuring efficiency and accuracy in operations.

Quickly review data with automated analytics and intelligent inconsistency detection, using intuitive dashboards and accurate reports to optimize financial processes

Quickly review data with automated analysis and intelligent detection of inconsistencies, using intuitive dashboards and accurate reports to optimize financial processes.

Closing & Consolidation

Your company's Controller routines faster and safer with smart technology.


The best of financial intelligence technology to optimize closing and consolidation

Origem de dados que pode ser customizada conforme necessidade do grupo econômico;
Outputs (DFs e indicadores) que podem ser usados, na mesma plataforma, para geração de gráficos, apresentações e reportes;
Construção das principais demonstrações financeiras com aplicação de ajustes gerenciais;
Criação de indicadores vinculados às DFs e/ou 
a partir de dados externos;
Consolidação das demonstrações financeiras e conversão para diferentes moedas;
Análise do resultado por diferentes dimensões do negócio (filiais, centros de custos);

Análises comparativas, como AH, AV, entre outras.

Understand how it works in practice

Want to know more?

See the main questions about our Controllership solution.

What is the Accountfy Controllership solution?

An optimized solution for closing, consolidation, conciliation, apportionment and costing.

What are the products that comprise the Controllership solution?
Each product has a set of modules with a number of functions. The Closing & Consolidation product which is a part of the Financial Control solution, counts with the following modules: management structures, upload de information, financial modeling, financial reports, consolidation (additional package) and dashboards.
How to contract the Controllership solution?
Contact one of our specialists by WhatsApp to get more information about prices and benefits. You can still ask for a demonstration 100% free of charge to know how our solution works in practice.

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