You don’t have to organize yourself to implant Accountfy. On the contrary, it helps you to structure yourself and prioritize the points of improvement.

Ícone check fundo roxo claro
Ícone check fundo roxo claro
Ícone check fundo roxo claro
Ícone check fundo roxo claro
Ícone check fundo roxo claro
Ícone check fundo roxo claro

Make more well-based and analytical decisions

We know that each company has its particulars and we have the relentless mission of helping you to ensure your company’s financial health.

Automatize a consolidação de dados e centralize informações financeiras, liberando sua equipe para focar em análises e insights, visando decisões mais estratégicas.

Automatize processos manuais, integre seus sistemas financeiros e substitua planilhas por relatórios dinâmicos e atualizados em tempo real, garantindo eficiência e precisão nas operações.

Revise dados rapidamente com análises automatizadas e detecção inteligente de inconsistências, usando dashboards intuitivos e relatórios precisos para otimizar processos financeiros.

Revise dados rapidamente com análises automatizadas e detecção inteligente de inconsistências, usando dashboards intuitivos e relatórios precisos para otimizar processos financeiros.

Budget & Forecast

Accelerate the budgeting process by building projections in a personalized, flexible, integrated, and collaborative manner.


Budget & Forecast enhances the work of FP&A, allowing better optimization with personalized projections for reliable results.

Construção de múltiplos cenários de orçamento
Ampla personalização via fórmulas e regras condicionais na construção do orçamento
Acesso controlado de responsáveis para o preenchimento
Acompanhamento de workflow via status de preenchimento e gestão visual do processo 

Integração e consolidação de projeções de várias áreas corporativas 

Geração automatizada de BP, DRE e DFC a partir das projeções realizadas
Performance & Management

Streamline performance evaluation and decision-making with demonstrations that truly meet managerial needs and indicators.


Performance & Management drives agility and consistency in performance evaluation and, therefore, in the decision-making process.

Realizar checks de consistência de somatório
Análise colaborativa, com comentários e workflow de revisão
Análises comparativas, como AH, AV, gráficos, entre outras
Possibilidade de geração do razão gerencial a partir do extrato bancário

Understand how it works in practice

Want to know more?

See the main questions about our FP&A solution.

What is the Accountfy FP&A solution?
An optimized solution for budget & forecast, performance & management and valuation.
What are the products that comprise the business control solution?
Each product has a set of modules with a number of functions. The Budget & Forecast product which is a part of the FP&A solution, counts with the following modules: management structures, financial modeling, projections, budget & forecast and dashboards. The Performance & Management, Performance & Management product, which also belongs to the FP&A solution, presents the modules: management structures, upload of information, financial operations *additional package), financial modeling, financial reports, consolidation and dashboards.
How to contract the FP&A solution?
Contact one of our specialists by WhatsApp to get more information about prices and benefits. You can still ask for a demonstration 100% free of charge to know how our solution works in practice.

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