
Is your company spending too much time on financial reports?

With Accountfy, you can revolutionize your financial management and gain more time for strategic decisions.

Foto empresa Intelli "What used to take up to a day and a half to complete can now be done in just a few minutes with Accountfy."
Leandro Abreu Controller Director Logo Grupo Intelli

Follow Intelli's lead and save time on your results consolidation.

With Accountfy, Leandro’s team now has a tool capable of consolidating all necessary information in a practical and efficient manner. The platform allows working with all types of charts, statements, and explanatory notes in an integrated and collaborative way.

Solutions provided by Accountfy

  • Faster processes
    Faster processes
  • More reliable data
    More reliable data
  • Parametrized information
    Parametrized information

A solution designed by those who understand your routine

Want to maximize your financial management and streamline your processes?

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