Closing and statements

Generate financial statements automatically, collaboratively, and consistently across accounting or management sources. Gain agility in analyzing and interpreting results with our standardized reports and intelligent alerts.

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1.Accurate and consistent data

2.Figures management and analysis

3.Identification of opportunities

Automation in data analysis

Replace manual tasks with intelligent algorithms for data crossing and automatic analysis of inconsistencies without losing the flexibility to upload accounting files or integrate with your ERP. Rely on our technology to guarantee information security, encryption, and access control.

Figures management and analysis

Perform management traceable adjustments and have documented and easily accessible justifications. Create comments line by line in an organized way and share them with users. Establish a communication flow directly on the platform, request a review of information from those responsible and manage tasks.

Identification of opportunities

Perform analyzes in a flexible manner and compare the participation of accounts and cost centers in financial statements.
Configure automatic alerts, based on percentage or absolute values, to control what has been done, income and expenses. Monitor history and evolution of values over periods to define goals and cost reductions.

Financial Statements

Maximize financial statements in just a few seconds.

Obtain standardized and reliable reports, based on management data or Trial Balance and General Ledger data.

  • Statement of Income for the Year

    Prepare and control the Statement of Income for the Year in an automated, agile, safe and accurate way, ensuring data credibility and saving time for analysis.

  • Balance Sheet, SCSE and SAV

    Prepare the complete set of your company's financial statements in an integrated manner and from the same database.

  • Direct and indirect cash flow

    Choose the method to analyze and generate structured reports without relying on spreadsheets or wasting hours.

Revision Workflow

Develop information revision flows and keep the history duly recorded.

With Accountfy, the whole process is kept in a single place.

  • Elimination of inconsistent data

    Our platform alerts you when there are errors when importing a general ledger file or uploading trial balances, avoiding rework, and ensuring accurate data.

  • Comments and alerts

    Make comments and configure automatic, percentage, or absolute alerts to facilitate and control budgets, income, and expenses.

  • Status tracking

    Manage and monitor the progress of revision tasks. Assign people responsible, deadlines, and levels of urgency and notify those responsible about changes.

Vertical and horizontal analysis

Review your company’s financial status in an agile manner, regardless of its size

Get accurate and reliable information quickly with our standardized managerial reports

  • Automation and data in seconds

    Choose the type, carry out the analysis, and, in a few clicks, have clear and organized calculation results.

  • Possibility of visions

    Choose which analysis you want to use and count on the likelihood of seeing all analyses at the same time on the screen.

  • Comparative panel

    Compare the performance of Realized against previous periods, integrating the data directly with your financial statements.

See how Zup uses Accountfy to manage the company's financial data

Zup found in Accountfy the solution to have its information and management reports centralized and streamlined its entire analysis and decision-making process.

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The practicality of a SaaS platform with the work of an entire team specialized in financial management.

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The result of much work and extra fuel to raise our quality standards.

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